Monday, February 29, 2016

Honor the Lord with Your Vote

It's time to honor the Lord our God with our votes.

I don't normally post anything other than music here, but Super Tuesday is tomorrow and it's a big deal.  Bigger than it ever has been.

To all those voting in the Primaries on Tuesday, please take some time to seriously consider the lasting consequences of this election.  It is unlike any other. Do not follow the biased polls and news networks.  Do some homework on the candidates and above all, seek the Lord in prayer.

Please forward this on to your family & friends.

Feel free to check out my Twitter feed here

And enjoy this song/video "Standing on the Promises of God" by Selah

Monday, February 22, 2016

Bible Songs for Kids (& Adults, too!)

Hide The Word Steve Green

Check out Steve Green's HIDE THE WORD: Bible Songs for Kids -- Adults will like these songs, too, straight from Scripture.

Click/tap here for his website.
Or purchase at iTunes/Amazon, etc..

Monday, February 8, 2016


I posted this new song VIDEO a couple weeks ago, but here it is again.  Notice the three verses teaching the doctrine of the Trinity and the bridge looks ahead to the Second Coming of our Lord.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Moody Founder's Week -- Watch Online

Moody Conferences | Founder's Week

Moody Founder's Week starts tonight, Monday, February 1 and lasts through Friday night.

Watch online -- morning and evening sessions.
Click/Tap Here