Narrow-minded. Often believers in Christ are called narrow-minded. We believe there is only one way to God. Only one name under heaven by which we must be saved. The name of Jesus. His name represents who He is and what He did. He died and his blood washed us white as snow.
Only one way? Narrow-minded. Yes. God made only one way. But I'll tell you what...I'm glad God made any way at all! Oh the mercy of our holy God that He would make a way for all to be saved. He did have to, but He did.
I'm thankful for Jesus Christ and his precious blood that saves. Watch this video of the Norton Hall Band from Southern Seminary singing "Nothing But the Blood."
It's time to get serious about serving the Lord. It is not a casual thing. It's not a hobby.
It is life and death. The death of our Lord that we may live.
Serving the Lord is about every breath, every moment. Ready to be used by Him. Ready to let God change us and change the world through us. Ready to receive joy and blessing as we serve wholeheartedly.
I'm so thankful for what He did for me.
Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In ALL your ways acknowledge Him
and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5,6
Check out this song video of "Playing Games at the Foot of the Cross"
You’ve heard the story, many times before –
how soldiers gambled for the robe of the Lord.
Their laughter drowning out the Savior’s cry –
‘Father forgive them’ – as He bows His head and dies.
And they were playing games at the foot of the cross...
We're so quick to judge them but slow to see – how their games resemble the ones played by you and me.
As we fight for position in the church of God –
while the world just goes on dying without the Savior’s love.